Strongflow OY goes to Åland

Strongflow Oy is a company located near Turku they are professionals in automation and water cleaning systems. They contacted me in the early spring to help them plan out a visit to Åland Islands together with their affiliate company CalleFiks. When they arrived to Åland they went to a couple of sightseeing stops with drinks at Åland Distillery and Dinner at ÅSS.

After a nights good sleep at Björklidens cottages I met them 10 a clock on the docks together with my helpguides Thomas Strandvik, Dennis Palin and David Ståhlman. The weather was a bit moody compared to the sunny blue skies we have been having. There was some droplets coming down but the temperature was warm and nice!

Jounis first for the day!

After a short introduction and briefing of todays adventures we grouped up in the boats and headed out to four different locations. I got the special-fishermen team with Jouni, Taivo and Alexander. Both Taivo and Alexander had brought some own gear and was super excited to be out on the water! We took a five minute boat ride to the first stop. Just as we stopped there was a big splash from a big pike not far from the rocks we were approaching. It only took ten minutes of fishing before the pikes started biting and we got three on the first stop.

Taivo with one of the seven he caught!

As always we keep in touch with the other guides to get info on what the fish likes to eat from the bait menu 🙂 Soon Tomas started texting and they just kept on coming, They’ve must have stopped right on a hotspot! Within the first hour they caught ten pikes!

Alexander with one of his pikes

At lunch time we met up at my boathouse and I fried some Pytt i Panna on the big Muurika stove. Spirits were high and only two was yet to catch their first pike of the day! One of them was the CEO Ari Lempiäinen, well he got his redemption in the end!

After lunch we kept on finding pike every now and then but my crew had a hard time catching the big ones. In the end we got 17pikes and Taivo managed to catch 7 of them! All in all the entire group caught over 60 pikes and Ari redeemed himself with the biggest of them all with a 5kg+ pike! Well done!

Strongflow was not just going to fish, they had more program as when we approached the dock there was the famous chef Michael Björklund greeting them. He had prepared a three course meal and served it up just outside the boathouse! Spirits was even higher when the excellent food was mixed with the intriguing fishing stories from earlier today :). When the dessert was consumed it was time to move on to the next activity.

Sauna time! Less then 100m from my boathouse I have my sauna with lounge and swimmingpool + Jacuzzi. Soon everyone had donned their swimmingsuit and was enjoying the relaxing atmosphere!

Just before midnight the last taxi left and i am sure everyone slept hard that night! Thank you Jouni and Ari for using my services and a big shout out the your fantastic crew! I and all of the guides welcome you back to Åland whenever you want!
